Our office has operated out of Coos Bay since 1961 and continues with a staff of 2 state certified general appraisers, 1 state certified residential appraiser, an appraiser trainee and a data analyst/administrative support staff. We are the largest appraisal firm on the Oregon Coast and have been in business since 1961. Our expertise is along the coast, as it is geologically unique and economically similar in many ways, but we also work inland within Douglas, Josephine, Jackson and Lane Counties.

Our office has completed over 29,000 residential appraisals, including multi-family, in Coos, Curry and western Douglas Counties. Resource related properties including timberland, ranch properties, rock resources, cranberry operations and small farms are a significant component of our business. In addition, we appraise commercial, industrial, and special purpose properties routinely, including lands involving possible eminent domain proceedings. Zoning complexities are significant for most properties outside of urban environments and a primary focus of our work, in addition to the data gathering and analysis. With sufficient time, we can handle multiple appraisal assignments effectively with our well-organized staff.
Our office in Coos Bay has computers in a networked environment, scanners, digital lasers and GIS capabilities. Information sources include our own data analyst, previous appraisal reports and photographs from 1961, access to RMLS and SMLS services, COSTAR, county sales data services and significant contacts in government and private sectors because of our long term presence on the south coast.